Prince George County, MD

Had a great week in Prince George’s County, Maryland building a house for the Tripp family and a school in the northeast section of Washington D.C. This is to date the largest build we have done. The Tripp’s house was about 2800 sq ft. and the school was 6200 sq ft. So a grand total of the two was about 9000 sq ft. In the future I would just want to be part of one of them. Each build, the house and the school deserve complete devotion. It just spreads you to thin.

That aside let me tell you about the school. It’s called the “Fishing School” yet it has nothing to do with fishing. The name comes from the old saying… “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish he can feed himself for a lifetime.” That is such a great saying and so true.
Mr. Tom Lewis is the creator of the Fishing School, he is in his seventies and has been battling cancer for sometime now. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Mr. Lewis and the students of the school. I am a better person today having met Mr. Lewis. He has a saintly quality about him that you can’t help but be touched by.

The idea behind the school is to give city kids a safe haven to come to after school. While at the Fishing School wonderful teachers tutor the kids in all kinds of subjects and the kids also get a hot meal. The Fishing School works with the kids regular city schools so they can together do well for the students. The success rate of the children graduating the Fishing School is a wonderful thing to see. Mr. Lewis gives all the credit to his faith in God and meeting him renewed my own.

After the build I took the train up to Philadelphia to visit my folks.
My parents are my heroes. But watching the aging process unfold before my eyes is a very difficult thing to witness. My heart goes out to everyone who knows what I am talking about. I know that dying is just a part of living and that sickness and disease is a part of life. I just don’t know why!